The Grandin Road Halloween concept shop in Macy’s Herald Square: an ephemeral, first-of-its-kind masterpiece of shockingly sophisticated style—and shopping. Peek behind the curtain by entering our mystifying and all-powerful time warp [view video], and watch this monument to the marvelously macabre rise right before your eyes.
Time races… 72 hours scamper by in less than a minute. Years of skillful styling tricks, months of planning, and countless man hours converge, with hauntingly beautiful results. A chillingly clever stacked coffin product display and spooky mantel scene materialize. Bookshelves are crafted… tree branches stretched to create a creepy canopy, and a winding staircase is wrapped around a haunted tree. Wicked!
Look on in awe (sound on). Then pore over the finished store-within-a-store, in detail, using our frightfully fun and innovative Virtual 360°, and make an appearance at the scare on the square for yourself. But beware: this one-of-a-kind immersive shopping experience will vanish just as quickly as it appeared. Boo…
Learn more about the Grandin Road Halloween shop in Macy’s Herald Square now.