Animated Jumping Spider

The only thing standing between you and a monstrous scare is to feast your eyes on our giant Animated Jumping Spider. This evil arachnid will startle a shriek out of your visitors. Made of fabric and faux fur, he sits on a gauzy pile of webbing. His sensors know when humans pass by, and that’s when he leaps up sharply then recedes slowly. Hideous hissing noises accompany his movements, and his eyes glow a wretched red. Arachnofabulous.

Buy the Grandin Road Animated Jumping Spider now:
    1. So sorry, Patsy! We’d be happy to help if you wouldn’t mind contacting our team at If you’re in immediate need of assistance, our Customer Service representatives are always available at 1.866.668.5962.

  1. Help! He quit jumping! My spider was working so very well – great reviews. But after about 3 weeks, he quit jumping. The ‘music’ still plays, they eyes still light up, you hear the sound of it trying to work – but no jump. I removed all the cloth and webs to be sure nothing was catching or blocking it. I changed out the batteries. No jump. What else can I check?

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Grandin Road

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