Take a long, relaxing breath and let all the uncertainty and worry melt away. Truthfully, it’s going to be fine (actually, it’s going to be fantastic). At first blush, small spaces can appear challenging, but bringing color, personality, and lots of style-inspired smiles to a modestly sized area is really no big deal. Especially when you have knowledgeable, resourceful, can’t-wait-to-get-started friends like us. In fact, nearly 15 fun-filled years of polishing these hidden little décor gems into beautiful and functional living spaces is a major part of our DNA.
Oops… forgot. So happy you’re here!
Done. Now, let’s take a good look around and identify your areas of opportunity. An entryway, quiet corner, hall, or landing, perhaps? Realistically speaking, any number of inconspicuous areas throughout your home could be prime locations for filling with all the things you love about home decorating. Here’s a little design tip we only share with friends: nook looks are also wonderful ways to partition large expanses of wall or floor space. Imagine the delightful discovery of an idyllic, tropical bar oasis on a long barefoot walk along the beach. 🙂 Same concept—an inviting, comforting surprise when you least expect it.
Just do a little exploring. You’ll recognize an exciting, “I did it myself!” opportunity to work a small wonder when you see it. We’re sure of it. Here we go. First look coming right up…
Petite Retreat
Everyone needs their own personal happy place. A cozy escape to read, chat with a friend, or just relax and enjoy doing nothing at all. Like the rest of our designs, a can’t-wait-to-get-to-it petite retreat is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1 Chair
Extra roomy, super-soft chair and a half, or distinctively tailored wing chair: it’s the cornerstone of your new space. Be mindful of the textures, colors, and shapes—we’ll build around it.
2 Table
Practical and stylish simultaneously. After all, your tablet, eyeglasses, and beverage need a secure and attractive place to call home. Try some visual contrast: tonal fabric chair and patterned metal side table. You got it.
3 Wall Décor
Have fun drawing the eye upward and balancing the overall look. Mirrors provide the essence of added light and space. A bright, boldly hued floral print reflects your happy personality and craving for lots of color.
Gallery Moment
Ideal for nooks with just a tad more wall space. Enjoy the breathtaking beauty and energizing spirit of a favorite work—even multiples—whenever you like. Admission’s always free at your personal gallery.
1 Artwork
An important part of the composition, clearly. Unless you already have a key furniture piece in mind, consider starting here. Art is so, so personal—be true to yourself. Whatever stirs the soul or makes you smile, that’s the perfect one.
2 Bench
A low seating height automatically gives you the ability to position the artwork lower. Can you say added drama? Pull a favorite color from the art into the bench fabric to unify the look. Tip: swapping an ottoman for the bench is a real budget saver.
3 Creature Comforts
Make the moment last… punctuate with a variety of cozy pillows, soft accent lighting from a floor lamp or pendant, or plush throw. An artful stack of books not only makes the space more inviting but becomes one of those barely-noticed musts that makes the look. Put your signature on it.
Stylish Storage
Celebrate—if practicality is your thing, there’s a way to make tight quarters work for you too. Lots, in fact. More on how to see what we mean in a moment. We get it. No matter how much square footage you have, over time, storage always seems to be an issue. Conceal it in style.
1 Chest
Much like the chair element above, a chest, in this design scheme, becomes the foundation from which you’ll build your look. Natural wood, mirrored, or painted: choose a favorite, carefully taking color, silhouette, and hardware finishes into consideration.
2 Mirror
Select a size, shape, and finish that complements, not overwhelms, the chest. A chest’s built-in presence and positioning on the floor naturally grounds the scene. A large mirror can make it appear top heavy.
3 Lamp
Matchy-matchy is OK sometimes, but that’s not typically what has us saying, “WOW.” Our advice: color & contrast. Blue chest, pink lamp. Linen-look chest, glossy-finish lamp. Floral chest, solid lamp. Now you’re styling. Light it up.
As promised…
Interactive Mix & Match Visualizer (try it, try it!)
So many possibilities. Enjoy endless hours of smiles and fun creating your ideal style for a storage space or entryway.
Feeling a little more relieved? Good. Hopefully we’ve provided some helpful decorating tips and inspiration for bringing your nook-look challenges down to size. Go ahead… experiment, shop, and remember, don’t sweat the small stuff. Do your friends a favor: when you’re finished and love it, snap a picture and share it on Instagram or Facebook with tag #grandinroad.
We’re just getting started. Check out our 9 Easy Decorating Ideas.
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