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The addition of heat transforms an outdoor space into a versatile, comfortable living area all year-round. The outdoor patio heaters at Grandin Road can make your yard a pleasant place to relax and entertain throughout any season or dip in temperature.

Stylish Outdoor Fire Pits

Our fire pits bring real flames to your patio for unmatched atmosphere and warmth. Take the chill out of autumn and winter evenings with a dramatic centerpiece that warms the senses as well as the air.

We carry fire pits in a variety of designs and materials to complement your outdoor furniture for an attractive ambiance and an enjoyable space.

Versatile Patio Heaters

With easy-to-control heat, our range of outdoor gas heaters brings together warmth and convenience.

Choose tabletop propane patio heaters for smaller outdoor seating areas and tables. For larger outdoor spaces, infrared patio heaters spread an even warmth using electricity as an alternative to propane gas.

Find classic standing heaters, or pick wall-mounted options to provide a blanket of warmth while staying safely out of the reach of children and pets.

Whichever style you choose, the fire pits and heaters at Grandin Road will bring a friendly glow and the right amount of warmth to small patios and large terraces alike, adding a new dimension of year-round leisure to your outdoor space.
